
What Is A Super Single Dorm


If you are planning to live in a dorm room, you might have heard of the term “super single”. But what does it mean and what are the benefits and drawbacks of living in one? In this post, we will explain what a super single dorm is, how it differs from a regular single or double dorm, and what you need to consider before choosing one.

A super single dorm is a dorm room that has been assigned to multiple people but everyone but one student move out leaving a larger than normal room for one person. A super single dorm is usually bigger and more expensive than a regular single dorm, but smaller and cheaper than a double dorm.

How a Super Single Dorm Differs from a Regular Single or Double Dorm

A super single dorm is not the same as a regular single or double dorm. Here are some of the main differences:

Dorm Tour: My Old Dorm!

What to Consider Before Choosing a Super Single Dorm

A super single dorm can be appealing for some students who want more space and privacy in their dorm room. However, it also comes with some drawbacks that you need to consider before choosing one. Here are some of the pros and cons of living in a super single dorm:

  • Pros:
    • More space: You will have more room to spread out your belongings and decorate your space as you like. You will also have more storage space for your clothes, books, and other items.
    • More privacy: You will have more freedom and flexibility to do what you want in your room without disturbing or being disturbed by anyone else. You will also have more control over the temperature, lighting, and noise level in your room.
    • More comfort: You will have more options to choose your bed, desk, closet, and window. You can also use the extra bed as a couch or a guest bed if you want.
  • Cons:
    • More cost: You will have to pay more money for your room than if you shared it with someone else. You might also have to pay more for utilities, such as electricity and water.
    • Less social: You will have less opportunities to interact and bond with your roommates and other students in your hall. You might also feel lonely or isolated if you don’t have other friends or activities on campus.
    • Less secure: You will have less protection and support from your roommates in case of an emergency or a problem. You might also have to deal with more maintenance issues or damages in your room by yourself.

Single Dorm Room Dimensions - Dorm Rooms Ideas

We hope this post has helped you understand what a super single dorm is and how it differs from a regular single or double dorm. Remember to weigh the pros and cons of living in a super single dorm before choosing one. A super single dorm can be a great option for some students who value space and privacy, but it can also be a challenge for others who prefer socializing and saving money.


Dorm Finder

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  • Wyoming (9)
  • West Virginia (20)
  • Wisconsin (39)
  • Washington (39)
  • Vermont (14)

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  • Private not-for-profit (1235)
  • Public (813)
  • Private for-profit (44)

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  • Suburb (489)
  • Rural (193)
Ottawa University-Surprise
$16000 Per Year
Marymount California University
Rancho Palos Verdes
$15999 Per Year
Mwanner, CC BY-SA 3.0 , via Wikimedia Commons
St Lawrence University
$15995 Per Year
Dogs1337, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons
Carleton College
$15990 Per Year
Noodles Addiction, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons
Saint Vincent Seminary
$15990 Per Year
Thomson200, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons
Jacksonville University
$15986 Per Year
Kenneth C. Zirkel, CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons
Quinnipiac University
$15950 Per Year
User:Cacophony, CC BY-SA 2.5 , via Wikimedia Commons
Reed College
$15950 Per Year
