
How Much Does It Cost to Live in a Dorm at Pitt?

If you are planning to attend the University of Pittsburgh, you might be wondering how much it costs to live in a dorm on campus. Living in a dorm can be a great way to meet new people, get involved in campus activities, and enjoy the convenience of being close to your classes. However, dorm living also comes with a price tag that varies depending on the type of room, the location, and the meal plan you choose. In this post, we will break down the different dorm options at Pitt, compare them with other schools, and answer some common questions about dorm costs.

The cost of living in a dorm at Pitt ranges from $3,100 to $5,200 per semester for the room, and from $1,964 to $2,600 per semester for the meal plan.

Dorm Room Options at Pitt

Pitt offers a variety of on-campus housing options for students, from traditional residence halls to apartment-style living. The type of room you choose will affect how much you pay per semester, as well as the amenities and features you get. Here is a comparison chart of the different dorm room options at Pitt:

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Room Type Features Cost Per Semester
Residence Hall Single One-person room with communal or semi-private bathroom $4,400
Residence Hall Double Two-person room with communal or semi-private bathroom $3,100
Residence Hall Suite Two- or four-person suite with private or semi-private bathroom $4,000
Apartment-Style Single One-person apartment with private bathroom and kitchen $5,200
Apartment-Style Double Two-person apartment with private bathroom and kitchen $4,600
Apartment-Style Triple or Quad Three- or four-person apartment with private bathroom and kitchen $4,400

As you can see, the cost of living in a dorm at Pitt varies depending on the size and style of the room. Generally, the more privacy and space you have, the more you pay. However, some other factors that can affect the cost are the location of the dorm, the availability of air conditioning, and the access to fitness centers and community kitchens.

Meal Plans at Pitt

Another factor that affects the cost of living in a dorm at Pitt is the meal plan you choose. Pitt offers several meal plans that include dining passes and dining dollars. Dining passes are swipes that you can use at any of the dining halls on campus, while dining dollars are funds that you can use at any of the retail locations on campus. The meal plans are designed to suit different lifestyles and preferences. Here is a comparison chart of the different meal plans at Pitt:

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Meal Plan Dining Passes Dining Dollars Cost Per Semester
Ultimate Access Plan Unlimited access to dining halls $100 $2,600
14 Pass Plan 14 dining passes per week $300 $2,500
10 Pass Plan 10 dining passes per week $500 $2,400
8 Pass Plan 8 dining passes per week $700 $2,300
5 Pass Plan 5 dining passes per week $900 $2,200
1 Pass Plan 1 dining pass per day $350 $1,964

As you can see, the cost of the meal plan depends on how many dining passes and dining dollars you get. Generally, the more flexibility and variety you want, the more you pay. However, some other factors that can affect the cost are the quality and quantity of food options available on campus.

How Does Pitt Compare to Other Schools?

When choosing a college, it is important to consider not only the tuition and fees, but also the cost of living on campus. Different schools have different dorm costs depending on their location, size, and reputation. To give you an idea of how Pitt compares to other schools in terms of dorm costs, here are some examples of similar schools and their average dorm costs per semester:

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School Location Average Dorm Cost Per Semester
Penn State University Park State College, PA $5,900
Ohio State University Columbus Columbus, OH $6,000
University of Michigan Ann Arbor Ann Arbor, MI $6,800
University of Virginia Charlottesville Charlottesville, VA $7,000

As you can see, Pitt’s dorm costs are relatively lower than some of its peer institutions. This means that you can get a quality education and a comfortable living experience at an affordable price.

FAQs About Dorm Costs at Pitt

Here are some frequently asked questions about dorm costs at Pitt:

Q: Can I change my dorm room or meal plan after I apply?

A: Yes, you can change your dorm room or meal plan after you apply, but you have to follow the deadlines and procedures set by Panther Central, the office that manages housing and dining services at Pitt. You can find more information about how to change your dorm room or meal plan on their website.

Q: Are there any additional fees or expenses that I have to pay for living in a dorm at Pitt?

A: Yes, there are some additional fees or expenses that you have to pay for living in a dorm at Pitt. These include:

  • A $325 housing deposit that is due when you sign your housing contract. This deposit is refundable if you cancel your contract before the deadline or if you leave the dorm in good condition.
  • A $100 activity fee that is charged per semester. This fee covers the costs of programming and events in the residence halls and apartments.
  • A $75 technology fee that is charged per semester. This fee covers the costs of cable TV, wireless internet, printing, and email kiosks in the dorms.
  • Personal expenses such as clothes, travel, laundry, and spending money. These expenses vary depending on your lifestyle and preferences.


Living in a dorm at Pitt can be a rewarding and enjoyable experience that can enhance your academic and social life. However, it also comes with a cost that you have to budget for and plan ahead. The cost of living in a dorm at Pitt ranges from $3,100 to $5,200 per semester for the room, and from $1,964 to $2,600 per semester for the meal plan. The cost depends on the type of room, the location, and the meal plan you choose. Compared to other schools, Pitt’s dorm costs are relatively lower and offer a good value for money. If you are interested in applying for on-campus housing at Pitt, you can do so by visiting this link. For more information about dorm costs and other aspects of college life, visit DormInfo.com.

Dorm Finder

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