
How Much Does It Cost to Live on Campus at Manhattanville College?

If you are considering attending Manhattanville College, you might be wondering how much it costs to live on campus. Living on campus can offer many benefits, such as convenience, safety, social opportunities, and academic support. However, it also comes with a price tag that varies depending on the type of dorm room and meal plan you choose. In this post, we will break down the dorm room costs at Manhattanville College and compare them to similar schools in the area. We will also answer some frequently asked questions about living on campus at Manhattanville College.

The cost of living on campus at Manhattanville College ranges from $8,349 to $9,935 per semester, depending on the type of dorm room and meal plan you select. The average cost is $9,142 per semester.

Dorm Room Options at Manhattanville College

Manhattanville College offers four types of dorm rooms for students: single, double, premium single, and suite. Each type has different features and costs. Here is a comparison chart of the dorm room options at Manhattanville College:

Manhattanville College - Purchase, NY | Cappex

Room Type Features Cost Per Semester
Single One person per room $5,075
Double Two people per room $4,575
Premium Single One person per room in a larger space $5,575
Suite Four to six people per suite with a shared bathroom and common area $4,575

As you can see, the most expensive option is the premium single, which offers more privacy and space for the student. The cheapest option is the double, which is also the most common option for first-year students. The suite option is popular among upperclass students who want to live with their friends in a more spacious setting.

Meal Plans at Manhattanville College

Manhattanville College requires all resident undergraduate students to have a meal plan. There are four meal plans to choose from: 19 meals per week, 15 meals per week, unlimited meals per week, and 10 meals per week. Each meal plan also comes with a certain amount of Pub Cash, which can be used at the Market Place, Brownson Cafe, or vending machines on campus. Here is a comparison chart of the meal plans at Manhattanville College:

Manhattanville College - Purchase, NY | Cappex

Meal Plan Meals Per Week Pub Cash Cost Per Semester
19 Meals 19 $250 $3,195
15 Meals 15 $350 $2,774
Unlimited Meals Unlimited $50 $3,360
10 Meals 10 $450 $2,774

As you can see, the most expensive option is the unlimited meals plan, which offers unlimited access to the Benzinger Dining Hall. The cheapest option is the 10 meals plan, which offers more flexibility and Pub Cash for the student. The 19 meals plan is the default option for first-year students and offers a balanced combination of meals and Pub Cash.

How Does Manhattanville College Compare to Similar Schools?

Manhattanville College is a private liberal arts institution in Purchase, New York. It has a rich history of academic excellence and innovative programs that prepare students to become leaders in their respective fields. However, it is not the only college in the area that offers quality education and campus life. How does Manhattanville College compare to similar schools in terms of dorm room costs?

To answer this question, we looked at some comparable colleges that are also private liberal arts institutions in New York or nearby states. We compared their dorm room costs based on the average cost of a double room and a 15-meal plan (or equivalent) per semester. Here are the results:

Manhattanville College gets OK to open in fall

School Location Dorm Room Cost Per Semester
Manhattanville College Purchase, NY $9,142
Mercy College Dobbs Ferry, NY $8,500
Manhattan College Riverdale, NY $9,900
Marist College Poughkeepsie, NY $9,750
Sacred Heart University Fairfield, CT $10,200
Siena College Loudonville, NY $9,600

As you can see, Manhattanville College has a competitive dorm room cost compared to similar schools. It is cheaper than some schools like Sacred Heart University and Manhattan College, and slightly more expensive than others like Mercy College and Marist College. However, it also offers unique features and benefits that may not be available at other schools.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some frequently asked questions about living on campus at Manhattanville College:

Q: What are the benefits of living on campus at Manhattanville College?

A: Living on campus at Manhattanville College can offer many benefits for students. Some of them are:

  • Convenience: You can easily access your classes, library, dining hall, and other campus facilities without having to commute or worry about parking.
  • Safety: You can enjoy a safe and secure environment with 24/7 campus security, emergency phones, and fire safety systems.
  • Social Opportunities: You can meet new people, make friends, and join clubs and activities that suit your interests and passions.
  • Academic Support: You can access academic resources and services such as tutoring, writing center, and study groups. You can also learn from your peers and professors who live in the same community.

Q: What are the requirements and deadlines for applying for housing at Manhattanville College?

A: To apply for housing at Manhattanville College, you need to follow these steps:

  • Submit a $200 housing deposit by March 20th
  • Complete your 2023-2024 housing application by March 20th
  • Receive a room selection number based on your class year
  • Form roommate groups from March 3rd to March 28th
  • Receive a group selection confirmation email by March 31st
  • Select your room from April 6th to April 14th

You can find more details and instructions on the applying for housing page.


Living on campus at Manhattanville College can be a rewarding and enriching experience for students. However, it also comes with a cost that varies depending on the type of dorm room and meal plan you choose. The average cost of living on campus at Manhattanville College is $9,142 per semester, which is competitive compared to similar schools in the area. If you are interested in living on campus at Manhattanville College, you should apply for housing as soon as possible and follow the deadlines and requirements. For more information on dorm room costs and other aspects of campus life, visit

Dorm Finder

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